Until 3 October 2022, the reference for invasive and potentially invasive neophytes in Switzerland was the "Black List" and the "Watch List" published by Info Flora in 2014. Since 2018, the national data centres and InfoSpecies have been working together with the Federal Office for the Environment on the "List of Invasive alien species in Switzerland". Info Flora is responsible for vascular plants. This list was published for the first time on 3 October 2022.
Invasive alien species in Switzerland
The lists of invasive neophytes of Switzerland are an important tool for many public and private actors. They are helpful in the decision making process and enable setting priorities in the prevention, containment, and control of invasive neophytes.
The Release Ordinance (in German: Freisetzungsverordnung FrSV) regulates the handling of organisms in the environment. Self-control and information obligation of customers and due diligence are required in the handling and release of organisms. Handling of any sorts is forbidden for some of the RO plants. For more information (available in German):
Legal basis, Release Ordenance (FrSV) and List of forbidden species.
The AGIN, the Working Group Invasive Neobiota, is an initiative of the cantons. The group provides advice and recommendations, including the recommendations on limiting the selling of alien problematic plants (available in German).
The Black List and the Watch List reflect the current knowledge in the scientific research. Nevertheless, new alien species will keep coming in our country, or neophytes that have long been here suddenly become invasive. Therefore, the lists are never conclusive but rather temporary and dynamic, constantly discussed and updated by a group of experts.
Note: The spread potential and damages are evaluated on the basis of several criteria --> see catalogue of criteria (in German)
xxx Occurrences are highly common
xx Occurrences are common
x Occurrences are rather occasional, but can be locally invasive
Scientific Name | Name in German |
Jura |
Mittelland |
Alpen-Nordflanke |
Westliche Zentralalpen |
Östliche Zentralalpen |
Alpen-Südflanke |
Nicht in der CH etabliert |
Nach FrSV verboten |
Infoblatt |
Falsche Mimose |
xx |
Aster novi-belgii aggr. (A. lanceolatus, A. novi-belgii, A. x salignus, A. tradescantii, A. x versicolor) |
Neubelgische Aster, Lanzettblättrige Aster |
xx |
xx |
x |
xx |
Besen-Radmelde |
x |
x |
xxx |
Seidiger Hornstrauch |
x |
xx |
Geissraute |
x |
xx |
x |
x |
Tobinambur |
x |
xx |
x |
x |
x |
xx |
Balfours Springkraut |
x |
xx |
x |
x |
xx |
Amerikanischer Stinktierkohl |
(x) |
Gemeiner Feigenkaktus |
x |
xxx |
x |
Gewöhnliche Jungfernrebe |
x |
xx |
x |
x |
Blauglockenbaum |
x |
xx |
x |
xx |
Amerikanische Kermesbeere |
x |
x |
xxx |
Breitblättriges Pfeilkraut |
x |
x |
x |
Kaukasus-Fettkraut |
xx |
xx |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Ausläuferbildendes Fettkraut |
xx |
Schneebeere |
xxx |
xx |
*Taxonomische Aktualisierung: Gemäss Checkliste 2017 bilden Parthenocissus inserta und P. quinquefoglia das Aggregat P. quinquefoglia aggr. Es ist daher möglich, dass es sich bei den beiden Arten um eine einzige handelt, mit dem gleichen invasiven Potenzial.