30-11-2022 Info
The new lists of invasive neophytes
New alien species are constantly arriving in Switzerland and even long-established neophytes can suddenly behave invasively (for example due to the changing climate). Consequently, the lists of invasive species are never conclusive and must be discussed and revised again and again. The new FOEN publication on alien species in Switzerland and their impacts was published in October. It also contains the new lists of invasive alien species in Switzerland (status 2021), which now replace the "Black List" and the "Watch List" of Info Flora 2014 for vascular plants. One difference between the old and new lists is the classification of species: medium to highly invasive species are now all listed together, without further differentiation.
Salvinia molesta
The publication was prepared by the FOEN together with InfoSpecies, whereby the respective data centres were responsible for the chapter and the lists of their species group - i.e. Info Flora together with their neophyte exert group for vascular plants. According to the new list, of the approximately 730 alien, wild vascular plants in Switzerland, 88 species are considered invasive. Of these, 56 species have been proven to cause damage and 32 species are likely to cause damage (they are "potentially invasive"). A further 12 invasive species are listed in the publication, although they probably do not occur in Switzerland at present: These are well known examples of species that do not yet occur here or have been completely removed by eradication measures (such as Salvinia molesta). However, it is likely that they will (re)occur in the future. Lysichiton americanus is the only species that was previously on the Watch List but is now no longer listed.
Cotoneaster horizontalis
Species newly represented on the lists are, for example, Cotoneaster horizontalis, which has succeeded in making the leap from gardens to forests and arid habitats due to its bird-dispersed berries, Lagarosiphon major, which is overgrowing waters in Ticino and Lake Geneva, and Glyceria striata, which is spreading throughout the Central Plateau in sensitive marsh habitats.
Rosa multiflora
In the context of the new lists, we have not only revised our website, but also added factsheets about the new species on the list, revised existing factsheets (e.g. on Prunus serotina and Rubus armeniacus) and updated our tools (InvasivApp* and the Neophyte Fieldbook). We will also add additional factsheets in the near future.
Infoblätter zu den Arten der neuen Liste
EXCEL - Liste der invasiven und potenziell invasiven Neophyten der Schweiz (DE, FR, IT)
PDF - Liste der invasiven und potenziell invasiven Neophyten der Schweiz (DE)
FOEN publication "Alien Species in Switzerland"
* Die IOS-App wird in den nächsten Tagen aktualisiert.