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1.3.3. Kalkarme Quellflur



Phyonomy and Ecology (© Delarze & al. 2015)

Als Cardamino-Montion werden die dauernd durchfeuchteten Lebensräume in unmittelbarer Umgebung von kalkarmen Quellen bezeichnet. Gelegentlich sind diese Quellfluren auch entlang der durchrieselten Ufer kleiner Bergbäche (pH 4,5 bis 7) anzutreffen. Der Kalkgehalt des Wassers ist gering (unter 30 mg/l). Die Vegetation ähnelt der von kalkreichen Quellfluren (1.3.2, Cratoneurion), es kommen jedoch nie Kalksinterkrusten vor. Das Mikroklima bleibt übers ganze Jahr konstant kühl und feucht (mittlere Jahrestemperatur zwischen 5 und 8 °C, in der alpinen Stufe tiefer). In der montanen Stufe finden sich die Quellfluren nur an schattigen Standorten. Sie sind gegenüber den höher liegenden Varianten wesentlich artenärmer.

Distribution map

  • Calculation method

    Current distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on current observations. Reported characteristic species are given a weighting of 10, while others are counted without weighting. The habitat is considered to be present in a grid cell (5 x 5 km) if it contains at least one hectare with a minimum value of 11 points.

    Potential distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on species distribution models. The calculation strategy is the same as for current distribution, but maps derived from species distribution models are used instead of current observations.

List of species

bold Dominant species, influencing the appearance of the habitat
Character species Character species
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Less strictly linked to a specific habitat

Scientific name English name
Character species Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L.Gegenblättriges Milzkraut
Character species Epilobium nutans F. W. SchmidtNickendes Weidenröschen
Character species Montia fontana L. subsp. fontanaGewöhnliches Bach-Quellkraut
Character species Sedum villosum L.Moor-Mauerpfeffer
Character species Stellaria alsine GrimmMoor-Sternmiere
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Alchemilla coriacea Buser
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cardamine amara L.Bitteres Schaumkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cardamine flexuosa aggr.Wald-Schaumkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cardamine rivularis auct.Bach-Wiesen-Schaumkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex frigida All.Eis-Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex remota L.Lockerährige Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Chrysosplenium alternifolium L.Wechselblättriges Milzkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Epilobium alsinifolium Vill.Mierenblättriges Weidenröschen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Epilobium obscurum Schreb.Dunkelgrünes Weidenröschen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Lysimachia nemorum L.Hain-Gilbweiderich
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Pedicularis recutita L.Gestutztes Läusekraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Saxifraga stellaris L.Sternblütiger Steinbrech


Status according to the habitat priority list at the national level

National Priority 1: very high national priority
Need to take action 2:
International responsibility 1: weak

Status on national Red List 2016

IUCN status:   Critically endangered

LC: Non menacé

Additional information

IUCN criteria: A1

  • Legend
    CRCritically Endangered
    NTNear Threatened
    LCLeast Concern

Legal protection (NCHO appendix 1)

Natural habitat worthy of protection

Regeneration status 2016

Regeneration class 3: 10 to 25 years