< Full list

8.2. Feldkulturen (Äcker)


List of species

bold Dominant species, influencing the appearance of the habitat
Character species Character species
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Less strictly linked to a specific habitat

Scientific name English name
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Amaranthus
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Anagallis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Anchusa arvensis (L.) M. Bieb.Krummhals
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Anthemis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Aphanes
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Avena
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Brassica
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik.Gemeines Hirtentäschel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cardamine hirsuta L.Vielstängeliges Schaumkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Chenopodium
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Convolvulus arvensis L.Acker-Winde
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Conyza canadensis (L.) CronquistKanadisches Berufkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Digitaria
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hér.Gemeiner Reiherschnabel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Euphorbia peplus L.Garten-Wolfsmilch
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á. LöveGemeiner Windenknöterich
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Fumaria
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Galinsoga
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Geranium pusillum L.Kleiner Storchschnabel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Lamium purpureum L.Acker-Taubnessel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Matricaria chamomilla L.Echte Kamille
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Mercurialis annua L.Einjähriges Bingelkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Oxalis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Papaver
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Raphanus raphanistrum L.Acker-Rettich
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Senecio vulgaris L.Gemeines Greiskraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Setaria
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Sinapis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Solanum nigrum L.Schwarzer Nachtschatten
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Sonchus oleraceus L.Kohl-Gänsedistel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Stellaria media (L.) Vill.Gewöhnliche Vogelmiere
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Valerianella
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Veronica arvensis L.Feld-Ehrenpreis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Veronica hederifolia L. subsp. hederifoliaGewöhnlicher Efeu-Ehrenpreis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Veronica persica Poir.NPersischer Ehrenpreis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Viola arvensis MurrayAcker-Stiefmütterchen