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6.6.2. Heidelbeer-Fichtenwald



Phyonomy and Ecology (© Delarze & al. 2015)

Diese von der Fichte (Picea abies) beherrschten Wälder sind durch das Fehlen der Tanne (Abies alba) und der Buche gekennzeichnet; gelegentlich sind die Fichten von einzelnen Lärchen begleitet. Im Unterwuchs herrschen säurezeigende Rohhumusbesiedler vor, begünstigt durch die unvollständig zersetzte Nadelstreu der Fichte. Ihr Deckungsgrad variiert in Abhängigkeit von Baumdeckung und Bodenfeuchtigkeit. An frischen, mit mineralreichem Wasser gespeisten Stellen, kommen Hochstauden im Unterwuchs auf. Das Vaccinio-Piceion bildet einen ausgedehnten Vegetationsgürtel in der subalpinen Stufe (1500 bis 2100 m). Nur in besonders regenreichen Gebieten werden die Fichten durch den Tannen-Fichtenwald ersetzt. In den inneralpinen Regionen mit subkontinentalem Klima reichen gewisse Pflanzengesellschaften (wie z.B. das Melico-Piceetum) bis in die montane Stufe (1000 bis 1500 m) herab, wo sie nur an den trockensten Hängen durch Föhrenwälder ersetzt werden.

Distribution map

  • Calculation method

    Current distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on current observations. Reported characteristic species are given a weighting of 10, while others are counted without weighting. The habitat is considered to be present in a grid cell (5 x 5 km) if it contains at least one hectare with a minimum value of 11 points.

    Potential distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on species distribution models. The calculation strategy is the same as for current distribution, but maps derived from species distribution models are used instead of current observations.

List of species

bold Dominant species, influencing the appearance of the habitat
Character species Character species
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Less strictly linked to a specific habitat

Scientific name English name
Character species Galium triflorum Michx.Dreiblütiges Labkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Adenostyles alliariae (Gouan) A. Kern.Grauer Alpendost
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Athyrium distentifolium OpizGebirgs-Frauenfarn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Avenella flexuosa (L.) DrejerDraht-Schmiele
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Blechnum spicant (L.) RothRippenfarn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Calamagrostis villosa (Chaix) J. F. Gmel.Wolliges Reitgras
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cicerbita alpina (L.) Wallr.Alpen-Milchlattich
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Corallorhiza trifida Châtel.Korallenwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Erica carnea L.Schneeheide
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass.Grüner Alpenlattich
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Larix decidua Mill.Europäische Lärche
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Linnaea borealis L.Moosglöckchen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Listera cordata (L.) R. Br.Kleines Zweiblatt
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Lonicera caerulea L.Blaue Heckenkirsche
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Luzula luzulina (Vill.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.Gelbliche Hainsimse
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Luzula nivea (L.) DC.Schneeweisse Hainsimse
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Luzula sieberi TauschSiebers Wald-Hainsimse
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Lycopodium annotinum L.Wald-Bärlapp
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Melampyrum sylvaticum L.Wald-Wachtelweizen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Melica nutans L.Nickendes Perlgras
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Moneses uniflora (L.) A. GrayMoosauge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Oreopteris limbosperma (All.) HolubBergfarn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Orthilia secunda (L.) HouseBirngrün
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Oxalis acetosella L.Wald-Sauerklee
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.Fichte
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Polygala chamaebuxus L.Buchsblättrige Kreuzblume
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Polystichum lonchitis (L.) RothLanzenfarn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Pyrola rotundifolia L.Rundblättriges Wintergrün
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Rhododendron ferrugineum L.Rostblättrige Alpenrose
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Saxifraga cuneifolia L.Keilblättriger Steinbrech
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Sorbus aucuparia L.Vogelbeerbaum
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Stellaria longifolia Willd.Langblättrige Sternmiere
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Trientalis europaea L.Siebenstern
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Vaccinium myrtillus L.Heidelbeere
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.Preiselbeere
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Veronica urticifolia Jacq.Nessel-Ehrenpreis


Status according to the habitat priority list at the national level

National Priority K: no national priority
Need to take action 0: mesures needed
International responsibility 2: medium

Status on national Red List 2016

IUCN status:   Least concern

LC: Non menacé

Additional information

IUCN criteria: --

  • Legend
    CRCritically Endangered
    NTNear Threatened
    LCLeast Concern

Regeneration status 2016

Regeneration class 5: 50 to 200 years