Diese eher niederwüchsigen, lockeren Föhrenwälder besitzen im Unterwuchs einen dichten Teppich aus hochwüchsigen Gräsern (Molinia arundinacea, Calamagrostis varia). Wir finden diese Wälder in Höhen zwischen 500 und 1300 m, innerhalb des Verbreitungsgebietes der Buche und im Einflussbereich des subatlantischen Klimas. Sie besiedeln extrem wechseltrockene, instabile und besonnte Mergelhänge mit lehmigen Rendzinen. Der Boden enthält wenig assimilierbaren Stickstoff. Diese Voraussetzungen erlauben es der Waldföhre, der Konkurrenz durch Laubgehölze zu entgehen.
Current distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on current observations. Reported characteristic species are given a weighting of 10, while others are counted without weighting. The habitat is considered to be present in a grid cell (5 x 5 km) if it contains at least one hectare with a minimum value of 11 points. Potential distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on species distribution models. The calculation strategy is the same as for current distribution, but maps derived from species distribution models are used instead of current observations. |
Dominant species, influencing the appearance of the habitat
Character species
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat
National Priority | 2: high national priority |
Need to take action | 2: |
International responsibility | 2: medium |
IUCN status: Vulnerable
Additional information
IUCN criteria: B4
CO | Collapsed |
CR | Critically Endangered |
EN | Endangered |
VU | Vulnerable |
NT | Near Threatened |
LC | Least Concern |
Natural habitat worthy of protection
Regeneration class | 5: 50 to 200 years |