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6.4.1. Pfeifengras-Föhrenwald



Phyonomy and Ecology (© Delarze & al. 2015)

Diese eher niederwüchsigen, lockeren Föhrenwälder besitzen im Unterwuchs einen dichten Teppich aus hochwüchsigen Gräsern (Molinia arundinacea, Calamagrostis varia). Wir finden diese Wälder in Höhen zwischen 500 und 1300 m, innerhalb des Verbreitungsgebietes der Buche und im Einflussbereich des subatlantischen Klimas. Sie besiedeln extrem wechseltrockene, instabile und besonnte Mergelhänge mit lehmigen Rendzinen. Der Boden enthält wenig assimilierbaren Stickstoff. Diese Voraussetzungen erlauben es der Waldföhre, der Konkurrenz durch Laubgehölze zu entgehen.

Distribution map

  • Calculation method

    Current distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on current observations. Reported characteristic species are given a weighting of 10, while others are counted without weighting. The habitat is considered to be present in a grid cell (5 x 5 km) if it contains at least one hectare with a minimum value of 11 points.

    Potential distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on species distribution models. The calculation strategy is the same as for current distribution, but maps derived from species distribution models are used instead of current observations.

List of species

bold Dominant species, influencing the appearance of the habitat
Character species Character species
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Less strictly linked to a specific habitat

Scientific name English name
Character species Aster amellus L.Berg-Aster
Character species Cirsium tuberosum (L.) All.Knollige Kratzdistel
Character species Thlaspi montanum L.Berg-Täschelkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Acer opalus Mill.Schneeballblättriger Ahorn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Anthericum ramosum L.Ästige Graslilie
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Aquilegia atrata W. D. J. KochDunkle Akelei
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Aquilegia vulgaris L.Gemeine Akelei
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Aster bellidiastrum (L.) Scop.Alpenmasslieb
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Berberis vulgaris L.Gemeine Berberitze
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Brachypodium pinnatum aggr.Fieder-Zwenke
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P. Beauv.Wald-Zwenke
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Calamagrostis varia (Schrad.) HostBerg-Reitgras
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex ericetorum PollichHeide-Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex flacca Schreb.Schlaffe Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex montana L.Berg-Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carlina vulgaris L.Gewöhnliche Golddistel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Convallaria majalis L.Maiglöckchen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cypripedium calceolus L.Frauenschuh
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Epipactis atrorubens BesserBraunrote Stendelwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Festuca amethystina L.Amethyst-Schwingel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Gymnadenia odoratissima (L.) Rich.Wohlriechende Handwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Helleborus foetidus L.Stinkende Nieswurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Ilex aquifolium L.Stechpalme
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Laserpitium latifolium L.Breitblättriges Laserkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Ligustrum vulgare L.Gemeiner Liguster
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Linum alpinum Jacq.Alpen-Lein
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Lonicera alpigena L.Alpen-Heckenkirsche
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Melittis melissophyllum L.Immenblatt
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Mercurialis perennis L.Wald-Bingelkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Molinia arundinacea SchrankRohr-Pfeifengras
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Onosma helvetica (A. DC.) Boiss.Schweizer Lotwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Ophrys insectifera L.Fliegen-Ragwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Pinguicula alpina L.Alpen-Fettblatt
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Pinus sylvestris L.Wald-Föhre
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Polygala amarella CrantzSumpf-Kreuzblume
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Potentilla heptaphylla L.Siebenblättriges Fingerkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Rhamnus alpina L.Alpen-Kreuzdorn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Taxus baccata L.Eibe
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Viburnum lantana L.Wolliger Schneeball


Status according to the habitat priority list at the national level

National Priority 2: high national priority
Need to take action 2:
International responsibility 2: medium

Status on national Red List 2016

IUCN status:   Vulnerable

LC: Non menacé

Additional information

IUCN criteria: B4

  • Legend
    CRCritically Endangered
    NTNear Threatened
    LCLeast Concern

Legal protection (NCHO appendix 1)

Natural habitat worthy of protection

Regeneration status 2016

Regeneration class 5: 50 to 200 years