< Full list

6.2.1. Orchideen-Buchenwald



List of species

bold Dominant species, influencing the appearance of the habitat
Character species Character species
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Less strictly linked to a specific habitat

Scientific name English name
Character species Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) DruceWeisses Waldvögelein
Character species Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) FritschLangblättriges Waldvögelein
Character species Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich.Rotes Waldvögelein
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Acer campestre L.Feld-Ahorn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Acer opalus Mill.Schneeballblättriger Ahorn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Aquilegia vulgaris L.Gemeine Akelei
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Aster bellidiastrum (L.) Scop.Alpenmasslieb
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Brachypodium pinnatum aggr.Fieder-Zwenke
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Calamagrostis varia (Schrad.) HostBerg-Reitgras
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Campanula persicifolia L.Pfirsichblättrige Glockenblume
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex alba Scop.Weisse Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex flacca Schreb.Schlaffe Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex montana L.Berg-Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex ornithopoda Willd.Vogelfuss-Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Convallaria majalis L.Maiglöckchen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cyclamen purpurascens Mill.Europäisches Alpenveilchen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cypripedium calceolus L.Frauenschuh
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Daphne mezereum L.Echter Seidelbast
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Doronicum pardalianches L.Kriechende Gämswurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Epipactis helleborine (L.) CrantzGewöhnliche Breitblättrige Stendelwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Epipactis leptochila (Godfery) GodferySchmallippige Breitblättrige Stendelwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Epipactis microphylla (Ehrh.) Sw.Kleinblättrige Stendelwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Epipactis purpurata Sm.Violette Stendelwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Fagus sylvatica L.Rot-Buche
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.Echter Waldmeister
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Helleborus viridis L.Grüne Nieswurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Hepatica nobilis Schreb.Leberblümchen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Hippocrepis emerus (L.) LassenStrauchwicke
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Ligustrum vulgare L.Gemeiner Liguster
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Melittis melissophyllum L.Immenblatt
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Mercurialis perennis L.Wald-Bingelkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich.Nestwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Orchis pallens L.Blasses Knabenkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Phyteuma spicatum L.Ährige Rapunzel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Pinus sylvestris L.Wald-Föhre
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Quercus petraea Liebl.Trauben-Eiche
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Rhamnus alpina L.Alpen-Kreuzdorn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Rubus saxatilis L.Steinbeere
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Sesleria caerulea (L.) Ard.Kalk-Blaugras
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Sorbus aria (L.) CrantzEchter Mehlbeerbaum
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Taxus baccata L.Eibe
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Trochiscanthes nodiflora (All.) W. D. J. KochRadblüte
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Viburnum lantana L.Wolliger Schneeball
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medik.Schwalbenwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Viola reichenbachiana BoreauWald-Veilchen


Status according to the habitat priority list at the national level

National Priority K: no national priority
Need to take action 0: mesures needed
International responsibility 1: weak

Status on national Red List 2016

IUCN status:   Least concern

LC: Non menacé

Additional information

IUCN criteria: --

  • Legend
    CRCritically Endangered
    NTNear Threatened
    LCLeast Concern

Legal protection (NCHO appendix 1)

Natural habitat worthy of protection

Regeneration status 2016

Regeneration class 5: 50 to 200 years