< Full list

6.2. Buchenwälder


List of species

bold Dominant species, influencing the appearance of the habitat
Character species Character species
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Less strictly linked to a specific habitat

Scientific name English name
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Allium ursinum L.Bärlauch
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Anemone nemorosa L.Busch-Windröschen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Arum maculatum L.Gemeiner Aronstab
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Athyrium filix-femina (L.) RothWald-Frauenfarn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cardamine
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex digitata L.Finger-Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex sylvatica Huds.Wald-Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) SchottEchter Wurmfarn
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Epipactis helleborine (L.) CrantzGewöhnliche Breitblättrige Stendelwurz
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Euphorbia amygdaloides L.Mandelblättrige Wolfsmilch
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Euphorbia dulcis L.Süsse Wolfsmilch
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Fagus sylvatica L.Rot-Buche
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Galium odoratum (L.) Scop.Echter Waldmeister
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Lamium galeobdolon subsp. montanum (Pers.) HayekBerg-Goldnessel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh. subsp. vernusGewöhnliche Frühlings-Platterbse
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Mercurialis perennis L.Wald-Bingelkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Milium effusum L.Waldhirse
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Oxalis acetosella L.Wald-Sauerklee
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Paris quadrifolia L.Vierblättrige Einbeere
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Phyteuma spicatum L.Ährige Rapunzel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Polygonatum
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Prenanthes purpurea L.Purpurlattich
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Pulmonaria
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Viola reichenbachiana BoreauWald-Veilchen