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4.2.2. Mitteleuropäischer Trockenrasen



Phyonomy and Ecology (© Delarze & al. 2015)

Wie bei der inneralpinen Felsensteppe (Stipo-Poion, ist der Grasbewuchs sehr lückig, kombiniert mit vielen lichtliebenden, niederwüchsigen Arten. Ein zusätzliches Merkmal bilden die vielen Zwergsträucher mit wintergrünem Laub. Die Niederschläge sind hier regelmässiger als in den Felsensteppen, und die Temperaturschwankungen sind schwächer ausgeprägt. Da das subatlantische Klima grundsätzlich günstig für dichteren Pflanzenbewuchs wäre, findet sich das Xerobromion nur an sehr flachgründigen Stellen, meist in der Nähe von Felsplatten oder auf trockenen, steinigen Auenböden. Das Xerobromion hat sein Optimum in den tieferen Lagen, an sonnigen, kalkhaltigen Abhängen mit einer potenziell starken Verdunstung. In schattigen Lagen (z.B. in den Klusen des Juras) können Übergänge zu Blaugrashalden vorkommen.

Distribution map

  • Calculation method

    Current distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on current observations. Reported characteristic species are given a weighting of 10, while others are counted without weighting. The habitat is considered to be present in a grid cell (5 x 5 km) if it contains at least one hectare with a minimum value of 11 points.

    Potential distribution: Weighted sum (number of characteristic and frequent species) per hectare based on species distribution models. The calculation strategy is the same as for current distribution, but maps derived from species distribution models are used instead of current observations.

List of species

bold Dominant species, influencing the appearance of the habitat
Character species Character species
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Less strictly linked to a specific habitat

Scientific name English name
Character species Allium carinatum subsp. pulchellum Bonnier & LayensSchöner Gekielter Lauch
Character species Anthyllis montana L. subsp. montanaBerg-Wundklee
Character species Eryngium campestre L.Feld-Mannstreu
Character species Fumana procumbens (Dunal) Gren. & Godr.Niederliegendes Heideröschen
Character species Helianthemum apenninum (L.) Mill.Apenninen-Sonnenröschen
Character species Helianthemum canum (L.) Hornem.Graufilziges Sonnenröschen
Character species Potentilla leucopolitana P. J. Müll.Weissenburger Fingerkraut
Character species Pulsatilla vulgaris Mill.Gemeine Kuhschelle
Character species Salvia sclarea L.Muskateller-Salbei
Character species Trinia glauca (L.) Dumort.Faserschirm
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Allium carinatum L. subsp. carinatumGewöhnlicher Gekielter Lauch
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Allium sphaerocephalon L.Kugelköpfiger Lauch
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Alyssum montanum L.Berg-Steinkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Anthericum liliago L.Astlose Graslilie
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Artemisia campestris L. subsp. campestrisGewöhnlicher Feld-Beifuss
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Asperula cynanchica L.Hügel-Waldmeister
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Aster linosyris (L.) Bernh.Gold-Aster
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Biscutella cichoriifolia Loisel.Wegwartenblättriges Brillenschötchen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Bromus erectus Huds. subsp. erectusGewöhnliche Aufrechte Trespe
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex halleriana AssoHallers Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Carex humilis Leyss.Niedrige Segge
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Centaurea scabiosa subsp. grinensis (Reut.) NymanGrigna-Skabiosen-Flockenblume
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Cuscuta epithymum (L.) L.Quendel-Seide
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Dianthus sylvestris WulfenStein-Nelke
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Euphrasia pectinata Ten.Kamm-Augentrost
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Festuca brevipila R. TraceyKurzhaar-Schwingel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Festuca guestfalica Boenn.Westfälischer Schwingel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Festuca pallens HostBlasser Schwingel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Fumana ericoides (Cav.) Gand.Aufrechtes Heideröschen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Galium lucidum All.Glänzendes Labkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Globularia bisnagarica L.Gemeine Kugelblume
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Helianthemum nummularium subsp. obscurum (Čelak.) HolubOvalblättriges Sonnenröschen
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Hippocrepis comosa L.Schopfiger Hufeisenklee
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Iris ×germanica L.NDeutsche Schwertlilie
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schult.Grossblütige Pyramiden-Kammschmiele
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Koeleria vallesiana (Honck.) GaudinWalliser Kammschmiele
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Lactuca perennis L.Blauer Lattich
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Linum tenuifolium L.Feinblättriger Lein
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Lomelosia graminifolia (L.) Greuter & BurdetGrasblättrige Skabiose
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Medicago minima (L.) L.Zwerg-Schneckenklee
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Orobanche alba Willd.Thymian-Würger
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Orobanche elatior SuttonFlockenblumen-Würger
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Orobanche teucrii HolandreGamander-Würger
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Pimpinella saxifraga L.Gewöhnliche Kleine Bibernelle
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Potentilla verna L.Frühlings-Fingerkraut
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Pseudolysimachion spicatum (L.) OpizÄhriger Ehrenpreis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Seseli montanum L.Echter Bergfenchel
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Stachys recta L. subsp. rectaGewöhnlicher Aufrechter Ziest
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Teucrium chamaedrys L.Edel-Gamander
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Veronica austriaca L.Österreicher Ehrenpreis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Veronica prostrata subsp. scheereri J.-P. BrandtScheerers Niederliegender Ehrenpreis
Less strictly linked to a specific habitat Xeranthemum inapertum (L.) Mill.Geschlossene Strohblume


Status according to the habitat priority list at the national level

National Priority 3: medium national priority
Need to take action 2:
International responsibility 1: weak

Status on national Red List 2016

IUCN status:   Vulnerable

LC: Non menacé

Additional information

IUCN criteria: A1,CD1c

  • Legend
    CRCritically Endangered
    NTNear Threatened
    LCLeast Concern

Legal protection (NCHO appendix 1)

Natural habitat worthy of protection

Regeneration status 2016

Regeneration class 4: 25 to 50 years