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My observations


InfoFlora offers several tools to enter and edit floristic data from personal observations, contract work or projects (for example, from regional inventories, field surveys, from projects such as the Red List, etc.).

The Online Fieldbook is the standard tool of InfoFlora to report observations. In addition, InfoFlora also provides the neophyte field book, specifically devoted to invasive neophytes.

FlorApp is a smartphone application that facilitates the input of observations in the field and transmits the data to the online field book. 

InvasivApp is a smartphone application that allows you to quickly and easily report neophytes in Switzerland.

For data reporting in a professional context (cunsulting offices and conservation departments) please refer to the leaflet about out data reporting tools.

Other possibilities for reporting observations are available (Excel table, Access, csv, shp, etc.)


Hilfe-Seite zu unseren Tools und Missionen

Online fieldbook for invasive neophytes

To obtain more information on the distribution of invasive neophytes and the damage they cause, it is important not only to report the sites, but also the measures taken and the success checks done. For such reports, the online fieldbook for invasive neophytes, available online, should be used. 

Query mode (without login)
Data on invasive neophytes are publicly accessible.
The BILANZ of a point includes a summary of all records associated to that point.
The FILTER allows you to select one or more species of your choice.

Data input mode (with login)
The FORM can be used to enter new observations, success checks and measures taken, as well. 
Under BEOBACHTUNGEN you can consult and modify your own data.

To enter large amounts of data or surfaces (polygons, shape files), please contact InfoFlora: info[at]

instructions to the online fieldbook for invasive neophytes

Online fieldbook for invasive neophytes


It has never been so easy to capture your plant records and observations as with your smartphone. InfoFlora provides several apps for field botanists for both Android and iPhone and free of charge. In this way, observations during your excursions or field work can be recorded and saved on site and, as soon as a connection is available, be sent directly to InfoFlora. The apps also allow you to add photos. When you are back at home, your observations can then be viewed and edited in your personal account of the online fieldbook


FlorApp ist die neue App von Info Flora. Diese App erlaubt Ihnen auszuwählen, in welchem Projekt Sie Ihre Daten abspeichern möchten. Ausserdem können Sie die Koordinaten Ihrer Fundmeldungen neu (alternativ zur automatischen Erfassung mit dem GPS) auch von Hand mit Hilfe von Luftbildern platzieren. Seit Juli 2016 können Sie mit FlorApp sogar Ihre Fundmeldungen von Moosen, Flechten und Pilzen erfassen; diese Fundmeldungen werden direkt an die für diese Organismen zuständigen Schweizer Datenzentren weitergeleitet.

Benutzermanual FlorApp




florapp florapp florapp

InvasivApp ist die Smartphone-Applikation zur Erfassung von invasiven Neophyten, deren Bekämpfung und dessen Erfolgskontrolle. Die Angaben sind schnell erfasst und auf einer Karte einsehbar. InvasivApp unterstützt sowohl Laien als auch Profis bei ihren Bemühungen, eine weitere Ausbreitung der invasiven gebietsfremden Pflanzen zu verhindern.


User guide- InvasivApp (in German)

User guide - InvasivApp (version to minimise ink use)


Carnet en ligne


Über die folgenden Buttons kann die InvasivApp für iPhone und Android-Smartphones direkt und kostenlos installiert werden:

Apple App Store Badge EN
Google Play Badge EN



Another App allows you to send your observations to InfoFlora:

Flora Helvetica: developed by Haupt Verlag, this app costs 100 CHF.

Other ways to submit your data

Although the online fieldbook and the apps are the standard data sbmission tool of InfoFlora, there are other ways for you to send us your floristic records:

  • Large quantities of data can be compiled in an Excel-spreadsheet and sent per Email. Excel-spreadsheet
  • Existing digital data can simply be emailed to us in the original format (Excel, Access, Filemaker, PDF, CSV, SHP, etc.)
  • Furthermore, feel free to use the following : Paper forms